Friday, September 12, 2008

Woriking at Home Tips

. Go get your portfolio and your resume online. In doing this it might be a good idea to build a website for your business where potential recruiters can view your resume and previous works. This works because it makes presents you as being very professional.
2. Working from home has it downsides and one of the biggest of such downsides is that you begin to treat it with a lot of complacency. So set a work schedule and treat it like a job and work at it diligently. If you are easily distracted or not good with following a plan, working from home will be a daily struggle to actually do the work you want.
3. It is important to identify the kind of work you will be willing to take and the ones you will reject (remember you got tired of the other job because it just was not your piece of cake). By doing this you out rightly save yourself and the potential employer a lot of time

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